
National Novel Writing Month is all about writing a full novel in a month. "Bob" is my project. Who knows how far it'll go, but I feel like I'm living a life long dream of writing for a living. Read his story and enjoy my writing journey!

Saturday, November 27, 2010

The Truth about Writing

I knew that once I finished writing 'Bob' I wanted to take some time to reflect back on what it was that I was doing. Bob isn't my first novel. Bob is actually the fourth novel that I have written, but it is the first that I have written to completion with the confidence that it is actually good writing.

About a week ago, I felt like I would never finish Bob. I felt like a terrible writer. I kept thinking back to everything that I was teaching my own students and wondering where in the world I was pulling it into my own writing. I felt like a failing author. Like someone who couldn't ever publish a book.

I know that there aren't many people who are reading my blog, but for those who are, I appreciate it. There hasn't been a lot of feedback on Bob just yet, but I'm hoping there will be. I begin the editing and revising process today once the rest of the novel is printed off. The craziest part is that the revising and editing can take just as long as the writing process itself.

My hands are cramped from typing. My joints are stiff from holding a pen for too many hours this month. I realized that if I took every single hour that I worked on Bob just for this month and put it together, I would have written for over 2 days straight. Over 50 hours worth of time went into this novel just this month. That doesn't account for the planning that took place over the summer and the good 20 - 30 hours put in there.

For the first time in my life, I realized exactly how difficult it was to be a professional writer. So many times I am working on little projects (scripts, poems, picture books). But to put together a full fledged children's novel in a month. Wow!

I continue to read stories about how people were found and how they were able to start their careers as full time writers. I can only hope that that will be my story as well.

I can only thank Bob for the inspiration. The girls in my book know that it is Bob that changed their lives and that's probably because he's changing mine right now.

The passion and confidence about writing in my life has returned. There are currently two other novels in the process of being designed in my head. I'm very excited to begin work on them and create something new.

But in the mean time, I need to get back to my writers notebook. I've been neglecting it all month!

Chapter Twenty-Eight - Fred

Monday morning came too quickly like it always does, but this time Kat was ready for it. She had the spider dream again, but finally it had a happy ending. As Kat was throwing the paper airplanes out the window, her actual mother sat up in bed. Kat smiled when she saw her. The spider was finally gone.

Princess Puffball lay curled up on the blanket next to Kat and began to purr when Kat pet her. Kat got out of bed and slid on her ‘Save Bob’ shirt to give her that something extra in her report.
The car ride to school was filled with stories of home and of the past. One day Kat swore that she would write them all down.

When Kat arrived at school, Principal Ululani greeted each of the children. Her dreams of teaching around the world could wait. She had too much invested in Kat and Lily. She would just have to hold on until they left for middle school.

Kat walked down the halls to Room 222 with a new feeling towards school. This was home now too.

Outside the door of Room 222 hung the banner that the fourth graders made last week. Every ounce of the glitter still clung to the bubble letters. Kat smiled as she walked into the classroom, Home of Bob.

“Good,” Lily said running up to Kat. “You’re here! We can get started.”

Once the class was settled, the bug presentation began. Lily and Kat were saved until the very end. While they waited, Lily pulled out a big black marker.

“What is that for?” Kat whispered while Michael and Jacob talked about how people actually buy praying mantises for their gardens.

“I need to fix your shirt,” Lily said uncapping the marker. She added a quick D to Kat’s shirt.

“Saved Bob,” Kat read smiling. She looked at Lily and smiled even bigger.

“Come on,” Lily said. “We’re up.”

Kat and Lily stood in front of the class and displayed their poster on daddy long legs.

“Our project is dedicated to Bob,” Lily said proudly.

The class turned toward the window and began to cheer. Kat and Lily felt like rock stars.

“Wait a second,” Jacob called out over the class. “Something’s wrong with Bob!”

The entire class got out of their seats to get a better look.

It was true. Bob didn’t look quite like himself. Aphids were crawling all over him and he didn’t even move a muscle. His body seemed to be too clear. Bob looked dead.

“This is all Principal Benbrook’s fault!” Lily yelled.

“We really were too late,” Kat said in shock.

The classroom fell into a tizzy of angry yells and frantic tears. Ms. Catarinas had to raise her voice to finally get everyone’s attention.

“Now listen,” she said calmly. “Principal Benbrook didn’t do anything.”

“Then why is Bob dead?” Michael demanded.

“He’s not dead,” Ms. Catarinas assured him. “He’s gone.”

“Gone?” Kat asked.

“There is one interesting fact that I found out about Bobs,” Ms. Catarinas said. “Every ten days they shed their exoskeleton. Yesterday was ten days since Bob found his way into our classroom.”

The class stood around in silence. Bob was gone. All that work and Bob decided it was time to go. A sinking feeling hit the class right in their stomachs.

“What are we going to do?” Lily asked.

“What do you mean?” Ms. Catarinas asked.

“Without Bob what’s the point of school?”

Ms. Catarinas laughed. The class stayed quiet.

“Come on now,” she said cheerfully. “You all sound like a bunch of crickets.”

A silent chirp rang through the classroom.

Ms. Catarinas strained her ears. She really did hear a cricket. The class watched as Ms. Catarinas moved closer to the sink and towards the sound. She looked in the sink and began to laugh.

“Well wouldn’t you know it,” she said laughing so hard that she was crying. “A cricket!”

Jacob jumped into the air.

“Let’s name him Fred!”

Chapter Twenty-Seven - New Jobs

Kat could not believe that it only took thirty minutes worth of protesting to win. Everyone was hopeful that they would save Bob, but no one expected it to happen so quickly. After Principal Benbrook left, huge wheels were set in motion.

The superintendent of schools quickly got in contact with both Ms. Ululani and Ms. Catarinas. He offered Ms. Ululani the job of principal at Edgeview, hopeful that she would set things right. The budget would need some tweaking, but he promised her whatever kind of supplies she needed.

For Ms. Catarinas the story was a little different. She broke down on the phone and explained her situation. The superintendent was mortified by Principal Benbrook’s actions.

“Don’t even worry about your review,” he told her. “My family lives in Texas and my brother is a principal down there. I’m sure we can work something out.”

As for the fourth graders at Edgeview Elementary, this was a time to party. They had made the local news and parents from all over took their complaints to the school board. Bob was safe and
‘The Rules’ were broken forever.

An impromptu celebration was had at Jacob’s house. The children danced and laughed out in the mid-November air. Only nine days ago, Bob had made his appearance. It was all because of Bob that things changed.

Kat and Lily stood off to the side of the party and watched. The girl scouts were teaching others how to make their very own Bobs. Michael was showing Fluffy off to everyone. Even Ms. Catarinas and Ms. Ululani showed up. Uncle Chad tried to work his magic with Ms. Ululani and explain exactly what went in to being the World’s Strongest Man.

Kat laughed and enjoyed the fact that she finally felt at home.

“So,” Ms. Catarinas said coming up to the friends. “It looks like my plan worked all along.”

“Plan?” Kat asked.

“For the project,” Ms. Catarinas said with a knowing smile.

“You planned for all of this to happen?” Lily asked in shock.

Ms. Catarinas laughed. “This is pretty amazing, but no. I planned for this,” she said pointing at Lily and Kat.

Lily and Kat looked at each other. Only a week ago they wouldn’t have been within ten feet of each other.

“You mean you set us up as partners on purpose?” Kat asked.

“The sticks never lie,” Ms. Catarinas said repeating herself.

Lily looked at her in disbelief. “How did you know we’d become friends?”

“I didn’t,” Ms. Catarinas said. “I could only hope.”

Kat and Lily smiled. Some teachers were just too amazing for words.

“Although I do hope your project is finished,” Ms. Catarinas said. “You present first thing Monday morning.”

Kat and Lily looked at each other with alarm. They had spent so much time trying to save Bob that they hadn’t really researched Bob. They only had today and tomorrow to finish.

“Not a problem,” Lily said.

“Definitely,” Kat agreed. “I’ve got a great partner!”

Friday, November 26, 2010


Just thought that I would introduce you to the man himself.


Very Proud

Alright, well I know that I still have two more chapters to write with Bob, but they are the easiest out of the 28 total.

It seems pretty crazy that Bob started as a real daddy long legs that found himself in the sink in my own fourth grade classroom. He got stuck above our door frame for two days before we let him go. But he inspired a book in me.

It started as a picture book, but grew to be something bigger. I'm excited to start on my next two novel ideas as well.

But more than anything I feel so proud of myself for earning this!